As our Founder is now the Board President, CNHPS is working on succession planning. We have just contracted a part-time Executive Assistant, a part-time Older Adult Program Coordinator, and a part-time Volunteer Coordinator.
This of course, all requires additional funding. Would you be able to help us with a gift?
CNHPS is seeking donation support for the following:
Help us in funding the part-time positions for the year of 2024. Each position requires $400.00/month, meaning a total of $1200/month.
Help us continue the Seniors Connect and Intergenerational Programs. You can help in the following ways:
Support a senior to attend a weekly Seniors Connect Café or Intergenerational event: $4.00/event x4 = $16.00 monthly
Support a senior with initial transportation costs as their paperwork is processed for HandyDART usage: average $30.00 for return trip
Help a senior receive a free lunch at $10.00/plate (luncheons are offered twice monthly = $20.00/month)
Help us with general administrative expenses:
Monthly office/storage space rental at $200.00/month
Monthly telephone usage at $25.00/month
Website maintenance and usage at about $25.00/month
Will you support CNHPS with a donation this year?